Thursday, June 25, 2015

Last Semester

So this is the very last semester for my degree program in this university.
But I am far more ready for it.
Result for the previous semester hasn't came out.
It makes me feel like as if I have yet finished my previous semester.
Life. Life. Life.
I have no idea.

I dare not to procrastinate.
Time is ticking, and I need to move.
So today I am going to plan what's the resolution for my new semester.

I realized that I have not made my 2015 resolution but I don't care.
Cause after all, I wanna focus only on my study this year.
Ended up I feel like that focus is not what I suppose to be focused on.

So yea, that resolution is scratched, I am going to plan a new one.

Semester 8 Resolution (aka the late resolution)
1) Read more news related to education or teacher's field. Result is meant to be keep aside since cgpa wont be changing too much for just one semester.
2) Focus on AR. That particular thing gonna change your life forever.
3) Social circle. Keep in touch with your friends cause we are going to separate apart after graduation.
4) Save money. We are talking about vacation here.
5) Find a way to study abroad. FIND! FIND!