Thursday, June 25, 2015

Last Semester

So this is the very last semester for my degree program in this university.
But I am far more ready for it.
Result for the previous semester hasn't came out.
It makes me feel like as if I have yet finished my previous semester.
Life. Life. Life.
I have no idea.

I dare not to procrastinate.
Time is ticking, and I need to move.
So today I am going to plan what's the resolution for my new semester.

I realized that I have not made my 2015 resolution but I don't care.
Cause after all, I wanna focus only on my study this year.
Ended up I feel like that focus is not what I suppose to be focused on.

So yea, that resolution is scratched, I am going to plan a new one.

Semester 8 Resolution (aka the late resolution)
1) Read more news related to education or teacher's field. Result is meant to be keep aside since cgpa wont be changing too much for just one semester.
2) Focus on AR. That particular thing gonna change your life forever.
3) Social circle. Keep in touch with your friends cause we are going to separate apart after graduation.
4) Save money. We are talking about vacation here.
5) Find a way to study abroad. FIND! FIND!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Thought about Cert

As I am filling up e-posting,
I found myself sick of the certification things.

I used to weigh the cert so heavily during my high school in order to achieve scholarship around the world.
People says cert is a THING, a thing that will bring you to another higher level that none of your classmates can do. 
Well, I trust it, and tried my very best to do what I can to achieve all sort of certification.
End up, I achieve nothing but a scholarship that I didn't really bother to sign up at first. (It was my mother's idea all the way down to what I am doing now).

Does the cert really matters? 
How the cert affects you?
How to get the cert affects you?
How to certs works to affects you?
and how the certs didn't affect you?

Don't follow the instruction blindly.

Currently, I am facing the same situation again.
Preparing cert for my up-coming interview for posting. 
I feel so sick of it, by thinking at how these yellow papers has really changed me since I started to weigh them hard. 
I came up with nothing at the end. 
I have no idea what the heck these thing got me into. 
Well, maybe they are the reason I got chosen to this particular scholarship I am currently getting, and I am certainly not happy about. 

I can't possibly find a good thing about cert so far. 
Only if you have the right way of collecting it.

Let me share it with you:
1) Be in the position of something that is beyond your school level, eg, districts, states, or even international. 
2) If you can't, make sure you got the highest position of some activities in school. eg, president, or secretary or advisor et. al. 
3) Be in active in different field, as in, uniform, club and sport. Don't just stick on sports, but also the other field. And again, go beyond school level. 
4) Aim for the highest level's cert. Don't active in all the activities just because they offer you cert. Aim for the program that will give you a very high position (eg president) or level (eg international) and of course, offer you a cert. 
5) Cert is not about quantity, it's about quality. It values the level of your participation. The higher, the better. 

I hope you guys don't just collect the cert blindly, but aim, aim for the high value one. 

I'm gonna continue to brag about cert in my thought. 
So good night. 

Good Luck.

"Now the Cert is like Gold, but how much does it affects your goal? It matters, but does it REALLY matters? Don't follow the direction blindly and achieve nothing."

Sunday, February 22, 2015

China Theme Classroom Design

I am helping my teacher in designing a classroom.
and since I have been doing a lot of research in the internet,
I would like to compile the whole idea in here,
so that I can share them with you and also my beloved teacher.

I will show the pictures compiled, and share my idea of how to use them in deigning a whole brand new classroom, with the theme of "China"

One of the most astonishing pictures I have searched. 
You can roughly get the idea of how to design your classroom by looking at it. 
I like how how the cupboard is decorated, simply added the feel of China theme. 

This also gives you a rough idea of how a China theme classroom can be made up. 
I especially like how the wall is stick with two mini stalls that make the room looking very Chinese ancient style :D

Another beautiful picture.
In here you can see that the accessories are systematically placed at a spot with beautiful shade. 
It kind of remind me of the stalls (pondok) played at the Malay school, now we are just turning it into a more Chinese fusion. 

China plates decoration can be pretty when you know how to arrange them in the classroom. 

It gives me the idea of making it an Alphabet letter spot. 
Each of the plate is placed with a letter, letting the kids learn and have fun with the design. 

How about placing a dragon in the classroom?
You can either make it just a decoration, or the body is place with 'suku kata' or words? ;)

The plates can simply turn into decoration in the classroom, 
and you can also put some pictures with words that the kids can explore with. 

How can I have never thought about the famous China hand fans
It can be very interesting if it's place with different Chinese characters, or numbers!

Instead of te European style puppet, how about some Chinese 木偶 style of puppet? 
You can even make it bigger for teaching. 
For classroom decoration, some of the fake leaves and also the typical Chinese design on the wall would be nice. 

How about putting the Chinese mask with names of students? :D

The Chinese letters can be used for putting Children's art works, or wordings or pictures. 

Each of the big plate can put in different things: word, letters, pictures or even simply just a decoration. 

The main thing that attracts me in this classroom will be their mural. Simple, delicate, and most importantly very Chinese-y. :D 

For Washroom board ideas, this is kinda good!
I have never thought about the typical Chinese art for 'wave' can be that closely related to washroom! :D

How about some murals with "三字经" or "弟子规"?  
It's kinda cute! :)

Some board deign ideas.

And for mural design: 

Some other decoration/ design which can be used:

Well I hope this entry is useful!
Good luck!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


I kinda lost my passion in teaching
I have no idea why
I just had some kinda chit-chatting with my family
and they talk about the tuition centre
and my brother kinda say that teaching is quite a good job
and I have no idea why I say it's not
talked about tuition centre
I just gave a joke
by telling my brother if he wanted to join the teaching then he will work under me
My mom kinda say: "Girl you will never be because you have so many communication problem"
which kinda hit me right in the head

I have nothing
Nothing is good for me
Nothing is good in me

I have no good appearance,
yet I like to be one

I know I have talent in art
but yet it's all bullshit in other's eyes.

I have nothing
nothing at all.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Day Before Praticcum

My heart was pounding in a marching pace that I can't keep up
I was terrified.
This was just a day before the praticcum starts
Shouldn't be that bad.
But why I can't keep myself down?

It's 11.32pm of 29 March 2014, the day before my praticcum starts.
I had a very hard time sitting alone in the airport.
I have my emotion raging in rapidly at the very moment I stepped out from the car the drives reached the departure hall entrance.
I just met dad and mum for less than 24 hours and now I am leaving again. I couldn't breath.
I wanted hug but I was shy (why the hell I was thinking like that? I wasn't like that at at before)
I miss my parents and I knew I need their support on this matter.
But at the same time, I know they didn't even worry about me because they always thought their girl can do well in teaching since she has start teaching at a very young age (year 4).
And I have this same thought until I was on the way to the airport to KB.

I started to feel uneasy as I imagined myself lose and messed up.
As I sit in the starbucks, my mind started to blotted up sceneries of imagination.
Imagine myself lost in the progress, wrong in the process, tired and anger, bored and fail.
I quickly picked up my novel to read, to distract me from thinking too much.
It helps, but not much. Those sceneries that ranged my emotion keep floating back to my mind once I was unfocused on my reading.
It was scary.

I wasn't able to sit still in the boarding hall either.
I was still holding my novel, but this time, the focusing time are decreasing rapidly.
I started to think and worry about things, just to recheck if there's any to-do list I have missed in the holiday.
I couldn't find a thing, which makes me happy and worry at the same time.
happy if that's the true and worry if I am that stupid to even find out what I have missed out.
I couldn't sure which one is the truth so it scares me again,
and terrified me when the flight delayed, cause now I have more time to think of nonsense.

In the airplane, I was tired but hungry at the same time
Hungry because of my gastric problem, in fact I have no appetite to even look at the food.
I can't sleep well nor read well
As I was anticipating for the food, they made no intention of serving it while it was flying due to bad weather.
I searched at my bag and praise the Lord once I got myself an Appollo small cake.
Things starting to feel better when you have food (and sweet) in your body :)

I sent a message asking for prayers from mum.
I can never read in details when she reply to motivate me.
I know she means well,
but my eyes are always drools with tears if I ever take a long time reading them, so I don't.
Mum's words are powerful enough to motivates her child to stay strong, moved on, and don't be afraid.

After an one hour of express room-cleaning,
now I feel better.
11.58pm now.
I should probably get to sleep.
Wish me luck.
Happy Praticcum! :)

Monday, March 3, 2014

What is Best?

Sometime it's so hard to know how to be the best.
I wanna be the best but I couldn't
I thought I am the best but I'm not.
Confident is good, but it kills me sometimes.

People said "try your best" but I will say "I'll be the best"
How to be not so over confident when everything around you is things you don't think it's their best?
maybe i need to respect and appreciate what people's best.

That's something I need to learn from now.
No more over confident and looking down on people.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Human Live in Infinity Demands

I was started with a new semester with a lecturer asking us to do self-reflection.
She asked everyone to think of their challenge in studying in Teacher College.
And the common factors are time management and self management.
I did my own self reflection and this is what I thought:
I feel satisfied in my study life.
I got a good result and I study like hell.
I work my way to get every chance to improve my marks
I put my study as priority and so I feel I deserve to get flying colours in my study.
I always think I lack of time in studying.
I wanted to study more,
and read more
and score more.

However, study life ruined my personal life.
I lack of time in making friends
I lose the opportunity of discovering things I love and like
I constrain myself with books and assignments
I didn’t get enough of other things all because I study (like hell)
and I am not happy, I am stress (mostly all the time of studying).

My dear friends,
You said that you haven’t put study as priority,
I said if you have scored good enough, don’t lose your happiness because you studying, like I do.
Instead of study hard,
Study SMART , and Play HARD.